Saturday, August 17, 2013

The plot thickens

By Mac Arnold
ROA Editor

In July I was denied a bear permit for the upcoming season in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, which was the first time this happened in several years.

Now, this month I was rejected for a fall turkey license. True, it was for a unit (GC) that only held 200 available tags.

But just the same, I'm left wondering what the 2013 fall hunting season will hold.

On tap next will be the doe tag I applied for in Unit 081. It would be nice if this one would at least come through for me since I will be relying mostly on public land for autumn's deer hunting. Those drawing results will be posted Sept. 5 at

I've recently moved to Monroe County, and I'm going to be without private land and/or known areas when I try to fill up my freezer with the annual take of venison chops and the like.

This season's outings will likely be reduced and all over the board as the new job at The Blade in Toledo, Ohio, often has split days off and long consecutive stretches of work shifts.

I am definitely not complaining. In fact I am grateful to be working full time again after being laid off April 4 from The Macomb Daily, where I logged 16 years of service. 

It's just that it will be a schedule which will require some adjustments of fitting in deer hunting gigs, along with tying in virgin territories to boot.

Despite all of this, I will try to pass on the thrills of the outdoors on this blog in the usual fashion for the upcoming fall hunts.

Already, I've recently posted a mucho-fun bass fishing day trip on the River Raisin, and even with the impending move from the former St. Clair County home, I was luckily able to make short work of the spring turkey season in May.

Admittedly these two blog follows are too few and far in between but with the festivities of fall just around the corner it will surely pick up.

And I plan on returning to the River Raisin for more bass action on my next day off.

So do not despair, yours truly will keep you riveted and wanting more.

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