Monday, August 18, 2014

End of an era

Mac's Hunting Mag as it looked at the end. 
By Mac Arnold
ROA Editor

With little fanfare, Mac's Hunting Mag is no more.

In its infancy, the publication was exciting and inspiring for this veteran journalist who wanted to explore the realm of outdoor writing.

The vision for this work came during one of my many return trips from West Virginia eight years ago, and was sparked by bitterness and a feeling of not being appreciated at where I worked.

As often is the case in the 12-step group that I'm a member, a new meeting's path is blazed with a resentment and a coffee pot.

Many thanks go out to longtime collaborator and Web master Michael Huggler, who had his own motivation for being involved in Mac's Hunting Mag.

Mike came from stock who had hunting lines on both sides of his family -- and although he personally did not pursue wild game -- this gave him some semblance to show his hunting enthusiastic in-laws he belonged. It also gave him a way to improve his online media skills.

But as is the case with many men these days, the mag became cumbersome and tough to juggle in between family and busy careers for the both of us.

For me, it was much easier to work with an already provided blog format where I could come up with an idea to write about and then simply crank it out.

The former mag Web master was blessed with a new opportunity and moves on to greener pastures.

We at Rockin' Outdoor Adventures with Mac salute Mike and wish him the best of luck.

And so, the sun has set on Mac's Hunting Mag.

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